Wednesday 28 November 2012

That (un)satisfying crunch

Up until ten minutes ago, I was having a stellar day.  The kind of day that, when you look back on it, you say, DAYUM, I did good!

Proof number one.  I woke up just before the alarm and hit snooze before the cacaphony seriously damaged my calm, enough to get the whole nine minutes of drowsing.

Proof number two.  Our first appointment brought me a perfectly toasted, still warm bagel with butter and swiss cheese on it, just when I was contemplating a run to Tim's.

Proof number three.  I had one real estate closing today.  The mortgage money was in the bank when I checked the bank account at 9:15am.  The redirection came before 10am.  My runner was back from the bank buying drafts and depositing our cheque for fees and land transfer tax before 10:45am.  I called the courier to send the closing package, which was delivered by 1pm.  We registered before 2pm, and when the client came to pick up her keys  at 2:30pm, I had her final report ready for pickup.  Shazaam.  That almost NEVER happens.

Proof number four.  Three last minute signing meetings, with all documents, including teraview transfers and mortgages, prepped super-fast, and flawless first time around.  This means that my sixteen closings on Thursday and Friday should theoretically be smooth sailing.  This rarely translates into fact, but today it was hard to believe that the world wasn't an awesome place.

Until ten minutes ago.  Steph isn't home from his three day kitchen-wrecking extravaganza, so I was on my own for dinner.  I knitted on a project I impulsively decided to start for giftmas, made excellent progress, and decided at 8:15pm that it was time to have something to eat.  I made myself an omlette, cheddar cheese, mushrooms and red peppers, sauteeing the vegetables first, then beating the eggs till fluffy and swirling them in a perfectly hot frying pan, adding the cheese and after it melted, the veggies.  Flipped it without it going everywhere.  Edges sealed with cheese.

First forkful, dripping with cheese, fragrant with black pepper.   I put this heavenly forkful into my watering mouth, only to crunch on a giant piece of eggshell.

How the hell did I miss that?

I am going to go sulk now.  Or something.

1 comment:

  1. There's nothing that spoils a day quite like that. For me, it's spilling dry coffee grounds everywhere while I am scooping them from grinder to filter. OH NO YOU DIDN'T.
